Willingness to Grow

Are you doing what it takes to grow?

Actually, let’s back it up even further: as a business owner, do you KNOW what it will take for you to grow?

This is an important question to ask yourself, since meaningful growth is a time and resource-intensive pursuit. You may find that you need to change or even scrap aspects of your business and how you handle it, which could put current projects on hold, or take them off the table altogether. This can create the illusion of “going backwards” in your business, and the fear of falling behind prevents a lot of people from critically re-evaluating their practices. And that is why so many brands become stagnant; they’re not willing to take calculated risks, which we’ll discuss below.

First, think about your business objectives: is growth genuinely a goal for you, or just a buzzword? It’s one thing to say you want to expand your horizons, but another to understand exactly what that will require. Once you’ve decided that you truly want to reach new heights, a new world of possibilities opens, you just have to be willing to take the leap.

There is no growth without change, and there is no change without risk. That’s why the prospect of growing as a person, brand, or business can be so intimidating; you know there is inherent risk in the pursuit. There’s good news too, though; you can mitigate your risk by acknowledging when you need help, and asking for it. This is where many entrepreneurs reach a sort of mental block; you’re used to doing everything yourself, why would you ask for help now?

Because it’s time to make a change. It’s time to delegate certain tasks to others so you can focus on what you do best. It’s time to take the risk of relinquishing just a little bit of control.

Of course, recognizing where you need help in your business also involves acknowledging gaps in your own knowledge, and tools missing from your skill set. This can be challenging to reflect upon as an entrepreneur who has made it so far on your own, but this type of honest self-reflection is necessary to make sure you don’t get in your own way. For instance, are you a super-skilled creative with an eye for design and a mind for brilliant copy? If so, that’s fantastic, and you will serve your business extremely well in those areas- but does that mean you should also take on the roles of Director of Marketing, Chief Finance Officer, and Head of Human Resources? Perhaps not! And that’s okay, because part of what makes a great leader is the willingness to share more tasks, so they can eventually share greater success as well.

Now, not everyone is comfortable asking for help, and that’s okay, because this too is a skill. We have to learn to ask for help when we need it, and be open to receiving it. One thing to keep in mind is that even when you’re the one asking for help, you’re still providing value; it’s valuable to provide people an opportunity to hone their skills and flex their expertise. Perhaps you have a mentor you can trust, or maybe you’re considering hiring an employee to complement your abilities with a contrasting skill set. Whatever the case may be, this is another opportunity to identify the areas in which you need help, and the right person to provide it. It’s important to remember that seeking out help doesn’t detract from your business, it adds to it (as long as you pick the right people- but that’s another topic for another time!).

Ultimately, your business’ ability to grow depends on your own growth as a leader, so remember to think critically, take calculated risks, and step back so you can see the bigger picture.

Want to have a clear picture of all of the pieces of running your business, but aren’t sure where to start? Do you have a few employees and want to make sure that you have all of the necessary things in place for your business operations? Take a look at my free Operations Audit Workbook to give you a starting point. PS - filling this out in its entirety will get you started on creating your own SOPs for your business.

For more information on my other services, please visit my website or my Instagram page. I look forward to connecting with you!


Your Process


How to Create SOPs for Your Business